1. koi (源于日本的外來詞)錦鯉魚
Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and scalation. 不同種類的錦鯉由其顏色、花紋以及魚鱗的形狀決定。
2. fancy carp 錦鯉
The fancy carp images have been widely reposted on Weibo. 錦鯉圖片在微博上瘋傳。
3. lucky charm 幸運物;幸運符
A lucky charm is a small item people will always carry with them in the belief that it will make them luckier. 幸運符是人們隨身攜帶的一種小物品,他們認為這會給他們帶來好運。
4. lucky symbol 幸運符號;幸運象征
The lucky symbol of different countries varies. 不同國家的幸運符號是不一樣的。
5. dreamcatcher 捕夢網(wǎng);追夢人
I decorated my room with a dreamcatcher to bring me good luck. 我用捕夢網(wǎng)裝飾房間,希望它能給我好運。
6. mascot 吉祥物
The mascot of Tokyo 2020 Olympics has been unveiled. 2020年東京奧運會的吉祥物已經(jīng)揭曉。
7. amulet 護身符;辟邪物
This amulet was given by my mother to ward off evil. 媽媽給了我這個護身符,用來辟邪。